Thursday, October 27, 2011

Evening Star...

 A jewel
set into the platinum sky
  Shivering there
in the chilly  twilight
 Once, I used to wish,
 used to believe
          in the magic
    of the first star
 the evening star
    I would close my eyes
and say the words
  ( and they still fall so easily
 from the tongue)
 and wait for the promise
   to be fulfilled.
     And there it glitters
  in the bezel of
 silvered light,
  the hope
    in the magic
      is gone.
 We grow up
     and see the world
with the shine rubbed off.
   And we recognize
the folly of faith
    in magic,
  even stars

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Promise...

There is a new post coming ! I have been very busy lately. My mother, my daughter and I are helping out with the Haunted Schoolhouse production. Its been a lot of fun, but it keeps me very busy. I will have pictures to show very soon! In the meantime ...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Part of the Tribe...

This is Sora ( Rom for 'sister'). We have had Sora, or Soey( And Soso and Sister and Sweetface) as we call her, since she was only four weeks old. We picked Soso and her sister ,Vox , from a litter of 13 pups- the litter of an American Husky /lab, and a wolf. 

    We had two cats when we brought the pups home- Piggy, and Llama. Neither of them appreciated dogs. Pig and Llama would sit on my eqipment box waiting for the pups to walk by, and swipe at them from above. The pups, however, adored the cats, although they maintained a very healthy distance- once they figured out that the equipment box was NOT the culprit attacking them.

Llama the Great on my equipment box

   When the pups were about 6 months old, a kitten followed us home from the grocery store. We named her Monster. She was adorable; sweet, loving and within two days completely convinced she,too, was a puppy. She would walk with the dogs..on a leash!...she would cuddle with the dogs, play with the dogs, sleep in their food dish, and play under their water dish just as soon as Soey would lick it dry for her. Soey was in heaven! She loved to squish with her kitten ( Squishing is like cuddling, only with less consent, but lots of love).
Sora with Monster. Three days after we brought Monster home.

                                                The last picture I have of the two of them together.

When Monster was murdered ( the neighbors broke her neck, and threw her in my backyard ) I didn't think Soey would ever be the same.
      She grieved for that kitten for a long time.

Since our return to Georgia, Soey has formed her own kitten tribe. They nurse from her, sleep with her, and she keeps them safe, warm, and clean. I know she misses her Monster- I know I still do- and she heaps all the love and squishes she had for her kitten on the new tribe....


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ARGH, mateys!

 I really wish I had a pirate ship.

 My own sea going vessel ( put aside the fact I know nothing of sailing, and really hate deep water)

   Complete with cannons....

                                                 and planks to make my enemies walk!

 I want my very own island on which to hide my treasure

 a crew to flog  and make to swab the decks, And a bunch of scallywags and rogues to hang about with.. like



 Lets not forget the pillaging of port side cities.. Im not so big on rape, but if those romance novels are to be believed, most women only protest for modesty's sake, they don't mean it ( sarcasm, people...smell it ?).


                                                     I want to battle other ships...

                                          and have sword fights on the shores of deserted islands...

I want to climb into the eagle's nest and...wait.. scratch that. I'm scared of heights. That wont do. But you get my drift, I think...
                                        I want to wear thigh high boots, and a cutlass.
I want to shove my *heaving bossoms into a corset ( *according to romance novels, all bossoms heave)
           My crew can call me 'Cap'n' and admire my puffy, piratey shirts! 

  Mostly I just want to tell real life to take a hike. ...


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Body Language...

What could I ever say to you
that wouldnt be better spoken
by the weight of my hand on your skin
and my lips crushed into yours?

***( Excerpt from Words Left Bleeding by Max Xavier)

   Stock Photo

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Library

  So I got this email asking about the library with glass floors. YES. The library really DOES have glass floors! I'd never seen anything like it. The library itself is in a building built in 1900. Although the library didnt open until 1902


             And this is what it looks like now:

   It seems HUGE on the outside, but on the inside...not so much:
     This is the lobby. The library is only on the bottom floor of the lobby, and the side wing of the bottom floor. The Board of Education  takes up most of the rest of the building. Just above the stacks in the background is the glass floor of the upper section:

I know, weird, huh?? The cool thing is that in the middlish of the stacks, back against the right hand wall and directly under this glass monstrosity is the teen sections, complete with fairy lights, tables, a video game console ( you would think that would defeat the purpose of them being in the LIBRARY) and rocker chairs for the games:

                 But the second best thing about this library is the views from the upper windows!

See that park? Isn't it GORGEOUS?? I love that park. I've always wanted to live in a city with big beautiful parks and historic architecture. They have awesome street fairs and performances at the museum you can just see beyond the trees. And directly across from the park is the senior facility! So the park even comes with old people feeding the birds!! 

  You want to know the absolute BEST thing about the library ( I mean besides the fact its a library, and there are books, and the neat architecture and the glass floors)?

     *sigh*  Man I miss that town....


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Everybody needs a dream...

Some big beautiful castle I'll never get to set foot in stolen from here

  When I was a kid, my mother moved around..a LOT. I went to at least 10 different elementary schools, and kindergarten was the ONLY class I have ever been in for an entire year. She was a single parent of five kids, and she did the best she could. She thought having a man in her life was a way to provide stability. So we moved every time she found a new boyfriend. The irony of that escaped her, I suppose. But we did have my grandparents who were always very stable, and lived my entire life in one house.And that made me want a house of my very own. Somewhere I could put down roots, and raise my kids in a neighborhood. Somewhere there was a park, and a cemetary ( I was a weird kid) and maybe water nearby.

   Unfortunately, that never happened. I was as much of a vagabond as my mother had been, and fortunately for me, my children enjoyed the adventures of traveling. From the time they were very small, until my youngest child turned 15, I never found a place I could call 'home'. ( I could also never find anything else, because I liked to throw everything out when I moved)

 And then a visit to a friend changed everything. I found the home I had been looking for all my life! It was in an old neighborhood ( all of the houses had been there since the late 1800s), in an old part of town that was accessible to everything fun to do. There was a playground park right down the street, and sidewalks. REAL sidewalks!!  The riverwalk was just a few miles away; the old cemetary even closer! The city that gave birth to the Pony Express is filled with churches and bars, libraries that take up historic buildings with glass floors, and one of the most beautiful parks I have ever seen.

   After 37 years of looking, I finally found home,and I couldn't afford to buy it. My heart broke into pieces, but I took what small bit of money I had, and bought a tiny little shotgun shack in a different neighborhood, in a different part of town. It wasnt the same, but at least I was there in the same small city. I am a little embarrassed to admit how often I would walk the neighborhood my vacant dream house lived in, or how often I would sit on the porch and imagine having friends over, or just a few moments of blissful peace to read a book... Ok, Im a house stalker. I stalked that funny looking, boxy house with its huge backyard and the original punched tin ceiling. But there was just no way I could afford the house payments on what I made a month. It didnt matter, because the loan agencies weren't too keen on supplying funds against my "unstable" income source. I even tried asking with the cleavage on display. No dice.

  When I got the call from my mother that she needed help, I closed up my battered little shack, and hauled myself and my daughter( and three cats and three large dogs and a bad left front axel that decided to stay on the interstate in northern Georgia) back to South Georgia. Gram had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, mom was having some medical issues, and truthfully, I needed the break from the constant needs of my little money pit.

    I went to visit my dream house just before I left Missouri. Still vacant, still for sale, still everything I have ever wanted in a home.  Today I logged into the real estate website that holds that listing, to find out my dream house is only $40,000. Unfortunately, with my savings depleted by my shack, and helping out my parents, there is no hope of attaining that beautifully weird little house on my own.

   I think Im going to start selling my organs. You know, my kidneys, or maybe my liver. I thought about asking 40,000 people if I can borrow a dollar. I think it would be easy to pay it back that way, and if I cant pay someone back for some reason, well..they are only out a dollar.


 So...can I borrow a dollar?