Saturday, December 31, 2011

My year in review..

 Could this year have possibly sucked any more than it did?


Really, no.

Stalkers,  con men, and a  broken heart,  Oh my!

I could list all the bad things that have happened, but really, who wants to read it? I lived it. I survived. Im trying to move on.

  But it wasnt ALL bad..

I published a book. Its now up for sale on Amazon:

You can get it here...

I met some really amazing people.




 At least one of those are destined to break my heart. And the others will likely be there to tape it back together, because that is just how awesome they are.

I learned a new skill:


Got to watch this

 Grow into this


 And gained a lot of insight, experience, and supporters, including all of you who read my blogs. I was broken into a million pieces this year. But I really am living through it, and learning to get by , a day at a time.  Here is hoping all of you find whatever it is you are looking for in the new year.

To you, to life, and to the new year. Live it well.

Monday, December 19, 2011

I did it.

I published Words Left Bleeding.
 I don't know what might be worse...people reading it and hating it..or people NOT reading it. . Either way, it's out in the world now...

 Im really trying not to hyperventilate. One of the most intimate and wrenching things I have ever written..out there, for anyone to see.. Yeesh..

It has been an interesting experience, and I am both inspired to create more..and dreading it. I kind of hope I get the know..that need to publish I hear so many writers get. Maybe it will prod me into writing more often.

     Or...maybe Ill just sit in this corner and hyperventilate some more..


Wednesday, December 14, 2011


 I have finally collected the 30 poems I needed to put into my 'book'. The cover is done, the blurbs are written, and all that is left  to do is to format them properly for publishing.
     I have bled my heart onto those digital pages for two months, and I am starting to get the cold sweats thinking about  other people reading my words- especially when those words are so personal.

   A few in the collection I have posted here, and on the other blogs. But not many. Most are new, and have not been read before, which adds to my worry. They are untried, untested. They are words without a net. It's very nerve wracking.'s the cover. I will post the link to the book when it's been listed, if you care to read it.

©Vivid X Photography

Monday, December 5, 2011


 I don't normally pimp out authors on my blog..HOWEVER.. Gina Ranalli is offering an amazing giveaway on her website .  If you've never read Gina Ranalli, I highly suggest you start. She's one of the best and I don't say that lightly...

 So..go enter and win! or not win..I want those books!!!