Thursday, January 5, 2012

The blogs that never were...

 I always have such good ideas to talk about. And then I come here, start writing, and end up with garbage. I could talk about internet dating, or writing smut, or the best porn sites on the web. I could talk about fetishes, or saggy boobs and how much I hate gravity, or even drag on about my own personal heartache ( yeah, so not ready to talk about that yet) . I could tell you about The Scot, or the meaning of V, and describe for you the most perfect kiss. I could pour my heart out about love, and relationships, and goats in fishnet stockings. Or even lament about the evils of cookies and bacon, and ponder the reasons why there are NO BACON FLAVORED COOKIES!?!?!?!? ( Its a conspiracy, surely)

  But it never ends up on this blog. I have such good intentions when I come here, but they all go flying out the window within the first few sentences.

   I need to work on that.


  1. Ummm... Max, there most definitely ARE bacon-flavored cookies!!!

  2. bacon flavored cookies... My argument is invalid.

  3. just keep on writing will all come out eventually

  4. I don't know about bacon flavoured cookies, but go here:

    ... to see some bacon-sprinkles donuts.


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